affirmations for self healing

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I leave behind me both my failures and accomplishments. What I do today will
create a new and better future, filled with inner joy.
All that befalls me is for my good. I welcome any hurts that I receive as
opportunities to grow in understanding.
My will is to do that which is right to do. Part, all you mountains that stand
in my way! Nothing can stop my progress!
I am strong in myself. I am complete in my Self. The joy and perfection of the
universe await discovery within my inner being!
I am neither the ripples at the surface of the sea, nor yet the crashing
waves: I am the vast ocean deeps, unaffected by mighty surface storms,
untouched by any superficial change.
My body cells obey my will: They dance with divine vitality! I am well! I am
strong! I am a flowing river of boundless power and energy!
In everything I do, my enthusiasm soars to embrace infinity!
I welcome everything that comes to me as an opportunity for further growth.
I live by Thy power, Lord. What I have is ever Thine— ever Thine!
I live protected by God’s Infinite Light. So long as I remain in the heart of
it, nothing and no one can harm me.
I will serve God through others, and by my service to Him release the hold the
ego has on me. I am free in God! In God, I am free!
I will love others as extensions of my own Self, and of the love I feel from
The treasury of the Infinite is mine, for its wealth is energy, and I am
The whole world is my home, and the human race, my family. With God’s kindness
I embrace all men.
Whatever is, simply is; I cannot change it for the mere wishing. Fearlessly,
therefore, I accept the truth, knowing that, at the heart of everything, God’s
truth is always good.
I am what I am; wishing cannot change me. Let me therefore face my faults with
gratitude, for only by facing them can I work on them, and change them.
Though the winds of difficulties howl around me, I stand forever calmly at the
center of life’s storms.
From pools of inner silence I sip the sparkling waters of Thy peace.
Nothing on earth can hold me! My soul, like a weightless balloon, soars upward
through skies of eternal freedom!
By sensitivity to others’ realities, I keep myself in readiness to perceive
the truth no matter what garb it wears.
Resolutely I quell my inclinations, that my mind be open to the wisdom-
guidance of my soul.
I spurn the tempting magic of this world, with its rainbow bubbles, ever ready
to burst. See where I fly: high above the tall mountains. I am free! I am
I vow from today onwards to be happy under every circumstance. I came from
God’s joy. I am joy!
I send out the rain of blessings to all, that love be nourished in hearts
that, heretofore, have known only hate.
Whatever I do in life, I give it my full attention. Like a laser beam, I burn
from before me all problems, all obstructions!
I feel myself in the flowing brooks, in the flight of birds, in the raging
wind upon the mountains, in the gentle dance of flowers in a breeze.
Renouncing my little, egoic self, I expand with my great, soul-Self
I am happy in the good fortune of all, even more than in my own, for in my
happiness for them lies inner freedom.
I am awake! energetic! enthusiastic! I give my full, alert attention to
everything I do, knowing that in absolute consciousness I shall find God.
I hold my thoughts up to the calmness within; in calmness I receive
inspiration from my higher Self.
Mine is the power of the universe, channeled for my own awakening and the
awakening of other sleeping souls!
As I learn the lessons that life teaches me, I grow toward ever-greater joy
and freedom.
I am even-minded and cheerful at all times. I know that joy is not outside me,
but within.
I live in the assurance of God’s truth within. In my inner Self, and not in
the opinions of others, lies true victory.
Within me lies the energy to accomplish all that I will to do. Behind my every
act is God’s infinite power.
I behold the world with eyes of calmness and of faith. For I know that, as I
view others, so will I myself become.
My outer life is a reflection of my inner thoughts. Filled with the joy of
God, I express His joy and harmony in everything I do.
In laughter I recall my own mistakes. Merriest am I when, by laughing, I
include myself!
I remain untouched by gain or loss. In the calm mirror of my understanding I
behold Thy light reflected.
I accept with calm impartiality whatever comes my way. Free in my heart, I am
not conditioned by any outward circumstance.
My mind is open to the truth, whatever its source. True statements remain
valid, even if hurled in anger.
The decisions that I make in life come from within myself, from my sense for
what is right. I am committed to the truth, and to channeling it outward to
the world.
I will finish what I set my mind to do before leaving it for something else.
My word is my bond. So also is my resolution.
I give thanks to the giver behind each gift, and to the one Giver behind all
that I receive. My gratitude rises with devotion’s incense to the throne of
I am a child of eternity! I am ageless. I am deathless. I am the changeless
Spirit at the heart of all mutation!
What I give to others I give not away, for in my larger reality it remains
ever mine. I am happy in the happiness of all!
Though my spirit soars in the skies of consciousness, my feet and hands labor
here on earth to make truth real to all.
I will live in the remembrance of what I am in truth: bliss infinite! eternal
I will see goodness in everything. I will view the world around me, not from
the depths of matter-attachment, but from the heights of divine aspiration.
I will do my work thinking of Thee, Lord. I offer to Thee the very best that
is in me.
I live in the fortress of God’s inner presence. Nothing and no one can break
through these walls and harm me.
Through life’s mightiest storms, I am contented, for I hold in my heart God’s
With the sword of devotion I sever the heart-strings that tie me to delusion.
With the deepest love, I lay my heart at the feet of Omnipresence.